Thursday, July 19, 2018

My love affair with Georgette Heyer ....

For the longest time during my teenage years I resisted picking up a Heyer novel ,simply because as a very young person ,I had a young persons natural aversion to all things old and because we had just read an abridged version of David copperfield in our English class.It was such a tedious read that I was firmly prejudiced against any book set in a similar time period and besides my tastes mostly ran to adolescent fiction set in a fantasy world.I was all about Xena warrior princess and Tamora pierce back then .So it was really a fait accompli when I was forced to pick up a Heyer novel during our library period .With no new novels available and nothing I wanted to re-read , I randomly picked up a Georgette Heyer novel since we had to absolutely check out a book .I had ,of course ,no intention of reading said novel but boredom is a powerful motivator and I found myself grudgingly opening the first page .To say that I was hooked would be an unparalleled understatement and boy ,am I glad I decided to give it a try.Since then ,Heyer and I have become very good friends ,who though aren’t always in touch but when we do find time for each other are always pleased with each other’s company.Georgette heyer has pretty much ruined me for all other regency romances and she has become the benchmark with which I compare all other works .Sadly,she set the bar so high that I find most authors lacking .Her books are always so beautifully worded ,her heroines so irrespressabe and her story lines so fresh , that it’s impossible to Not fall in love with her books all over again every time I read them ..Although I love all her work  ,there are some that have pride of place in my heart and in no particular order they are ‘The devils cub’,’Arabella’and ‘cotillion’

Do you love Georgette Heyer?If so ,what are your favourite novels ?Do let me know in the comments below :)

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